Murphy covers his bases….again!

So Murphy has decided to stand for the Brit parliament while refusing to intimate whether he’ll step down if elected to Holyrood. Isn’t this just typical of the man, sure that he’ll be re-elected by the non Scots in his constituency, but just a wee bit worried that he won’t get a list place for the parly? He seems to think that at least he’ll be able to screw expenses out of the Brits if he fails to get into Holyrood! No wonder Labour voters are turning to the SNP in their hundreds of thousands!

His run for the Brit seat might be another failed ambition from the man who went to university for nine years and graduated nada. If it wasn’t for the Daily Record, the mouthpiece of the London Labour Party, he’d be fading into obscurity where he belongs. Unfortunately, the Record seems to think that a good way of covering Scottish politics is to print Labour press releases verbatim and not even TRY to check the facts! No wonder they are losing readers hand over fist. The only question left concerning this odious man and his version of the Völkischer Beobachter is who will fail first. How low does the readership of the Record have to plummet before Trinity Mirror pulls the plug and how low does the membership of the Scotlandshire branch of London Labour have to plummet to before he is unmasked as the obvious charlatan that he is?

And of course, his partners in crime. the REAL Tories, want to fly the Butcher’s Apron over Britain’s motorways and bridges, another great plan doomed to failure before it even starts as the pesky Scottish Parliament has control of roads and bridges and will ensure that those flags will not fly here! Seemingly, the only place that will get the “UK treatment” will be the green phone/broadband junction boxes by the side of the road! You couldn’t make this up, but they did! To be honest, the only thing that surprised me was that it wasn’t another Murphy stunt!

And talking about smug bastards, we have today (03/03) the news that the Smug Bastard in Chief has decided that anyone who disagrees with him, even in a non violent way, will be treated as a terrorist! What should happen now, but won’t, is that the Smug Bastard in Chief should be arrested on the grounds of encouraging acts of violent terrorism as he’s virtually told opponents of the Brit State who’ve been working in a non violent way, that they may as well buy the semtex now as they’re going to jail anyway and they might as well go for an outrage as for something they write! Jeez, it’s 1984! In fact, it’s not! It’s 1933! Could this be DORA for the 21st century?

People of Scotland, we need to get away from this disease in the body politic. We now have the Red Tories talking about going into partnership with the Blue and Yellow versions and they are talking about it for one reason only. To make sure we are kept down and to teach us a lesson! Of course, they are too stupid to realise that such a move would be the end of the Yellow and Red Tories in Scotland! I should be cheering this move but I can’t help thinking that it will cause bloodshed if adopted and that is the last thing we want.

As we move towards May 7th, we must make sure that the REAL Scottish vote is mobilised. If you have a car and know someone who can’t get to the polling station, offer them a lift. If you have a neighbour who is still a Labour sheep, try to show him’her how they’ve been wasting their vote and remember, make sure you are registered to vote! It only takes a minute here

Make sure we bring democracy to Scotland and maybe, just maybe the people of England will cast their eyes upon us and decide that they also want a change from the Westminster disease!

What’s going on?

Well, here we are, six weeks on from the indyref debacle and it’s hard to tell who won and who lost. The SNP seem to be going from strength to strength while Labour seem to be intent on self destruction north of the border.

All of us who would prefer to run our own affairs should take a step back and have a good look at the state of play, however. Labour may be in terminal decline, but that decline has to stop somewhere. Pardon me if you think I’m being cautious, or perhaps even disingenious, but the old dog is not dead yet! Granted, the MSM and London HQ are doing everything they can to hasten the demise with the “championing” of Flipper Murphy, but it wasn’t that long ago that we thought we were on a winner. Remember? The old Labour dog needs to be euthanised and until that day arrives, caution is advised.

There are two elections coming up and the former “YES” campaigners can’t afford to relax their guard one little bit. You can be sure that the Labour lie machine will swing into top gear after the turn of the year and that means that they will have to get the Alliance  message across in spite of the MSM ignoring them. It could be argued that the real reason that the indyref was lost was because the “Yes” campaign failed to get their message across to the average “Sun” and “Retard” reader. That cannot be allowed to happen again.

As far as the Brit election is concerned, the spotlight seems to be on how many seats the SNP/Alliance will win and how many Labour will lose! Personally, I would like to see Scotland really wakening up and installing 59 SNP/Alliance MWPs, but I doubt that is going to happen. I would suggest that focus should be put on around 30 seats as success will breed success. Murphy and Davidson have winnable seats and that would remove two thouroughly objectionable individuals from the equation. Captain Darling and Jimmy Hood are retiring and their seats are also winnable, yes, even Jimmy Hood’s seat is winnable! Another seat to concentrate on would be Mags “tornface” Curran! These are all winnable seats and I’m sure each local group knows who they can unseat!

As regards the Scottish election, be prepared to be the largest party but without an overall majority. Remember that at the last election, some Labour members were so arrogant and confident about winning their seats that they refused to p[ut themselves on the list. You can be sure that won’t happen again, so unless Labour is naught but a slavering corpse, they will make gains. This will not be a loss but a levelling of the field. More to the point, this should encourage the less voluble Nationalist members to start letting their voices be heard in parliament and in the constituencies!

To finish, can the SNP/Alliance achieve a breakthrough in the Brit election? I thik they can, but it’s gonna take a lot of work, considering we will be fighting the Brit state to get the seats!

Whither now, North Britain?

Well, the votes have been cast and it seems that around 55% don’t give a toss about Scotland.

How did it happen, I hear you ask? Well, it was quite simple. We, the people, were up against a well oiled Westminster machine where the “working man’s party,” New Labour, ganged up with the Tories in order to frighten the majority of Scotland’s elderly and not so bright, in order to win the vote.

Unwittingly, at least I hope so, they have effectively wiped Scotland off the map. We were given the chance to vote for independence and we decided we weren’t smart enough – at least the nobots did!

So what next? Well, the SNP have proven that they can take us so far, but not far enough and Alex Salmond, while being a great Scot, has proven that too many people dislike him personally, for him to continue to be at the figurehead for the fight. If the SNP have one major problem, it’s that they are TOO nice! They have tried to be all things to everybody and ended up being nothing to anybody. In these days of soundbite journalism, the SNP have showed that they do not have a “rottweiler” to combat lies, innuendo and downright slurs on the Scottish people. We need a party and a group of leaders, nor just one, that will stand up against Westminster and protect their vote against the lies and the innuendo. We need a party that will use soundbite journalism just as effectively as the Westminster machine. We need a party that will say to all of Scotland, working and unemployed, WE ARE THE ALTERNATIVE AND WE WILL NOT LET YOU DOWN!

That brings me on to the policies of this new party. While the party will be most definitely Scottish, I believe that we should be ready to help out our brothers and sisters in England to battle Westminster. We should end parochialism and say to people, “We are the Radical Party and we are prepared to help out where we are needed!”


  1. INDEPENDENCE! This is our main platform. Be sure that as soon as the lies of Westminster are exposed, more people will come over  to us.
  2. A shake up of the benefit system where ONE benefit is paid to all who need it, while making sure that those who abuse the benefit system are punished accordingly. An end to the likes of ATOS. An end to “benefit tourism,” where it exists, if it exists.
  3. A shake up of nursery education to come in line with the system of “børnehavn,” that exists in Denmark.
  4. Policy should include a choice for the Scottish people as to whether we should join the EU or join a Scandinavian Trading Bloc, after negotiations have taken place.
  5. A guarantee of a job for all our young people who come out of school, college or university. The young are our future and should be treated as such.
  6. An end to taxes on the poor and that includes bedroom taxes on social AND private housing.
  7. A Land Tax to replace council tax and rates. Why should the owners of vast “sporting” estates pay next to nothing (and sometimes nothing at all) in council taxes?
  8. The creation and support of local Credit Unions as opposed to the Banksters!
  9. We should be looking at the tax system to see what taxes are inequitable and end the joke of double and even triple taxation where a person ends up paying taxes on taxes!
  10. The convincing of the “switherers” that this country is viable and equipped to exist as a independent state!

These are not the 10 Commandments and are not written in stone! If and when this party gets off the ground, we will have discussion with ALL members as to our policies. Whether the party gets off the ground depends exclusively on you. Are you capable of seeing an alternative on this day of sadness?

Setting up this party, registering the website name (, registering the party with the electoral commission and designing the site itself all costs money. I was thinking of crowdfunding but I know nothing about it. Can anyone oblige me with details?

This is not the end, it is a new beginning. To quote the first American Admiral John Paul Jones (a Scot), “We have not yet begun to fight!”

Setting the bar high.

Well, today, the Glasgow Games (aka The Independence Games) kick off. Am  I the only person in Lanarkshire to be tired of the hype? With the various controversies surrounding access to personal homes, the parade uniforms (have you ever seen the like?) “games lanes” and various other bones of contention, is it any wonder that anyone outside of Glasgow is getting a bit tired of it all?

Of course, the BBC are pulling out all the stops to give us wall to wall games, “across all platforms” they call it! This means that should you want to get away from them, don’t go near the BBC radio or television!

We’ve also been treated to Cameron of Westminster taking a trip up to the Shetlands and celebrating the fact that he’s the first PM to visit for 39 years! Talk about open mouth and insert foot?

Of course, we’ve also had various Westminster politicians telling us how they hope there will be no politicking during the games. Just like the London Olympics, eh? Well no, not really. During the Olympics, Cameron and his cohorts (including his London Labour sheep) in “North Britain,” Scotland to you and me, never tired of telling us how great it was for Scots to be winning medals for GB and how great it was to be together. Well, they could hardly win medals for Scotland as we’re not allowed to compete!

Will the Games be politicised? You bet they will be. They already are in that so much has already been written by Bitter Together about how the don’t want them to be! You can bet your house on the fact that the nobots will be the first to crack! If a Scottish athlete who is avowed unionist wins a medal, the glee will be palpable. They won’t be able to help themselves!

Of course, the anti-Scottish MSM will have a field day celebrating English and unionist medals while conveniently forgetting that Australia, a country with a fraction of the population of England, will probably win most of them!

Having said all this, I will be watching and I hope to hear Flower of Scotland being played quite a few times! C’mon Scotland!